Spirit of Boise: Balloon Flight
The Sprit of Boise Balloon Launch on Thursday 8/31 at (around) 7:20 AM was a serene viewing from Crescent Rim Dr. The balloon launch began around 15 minutes later than posted, but that allowed for perfect lighting for photos early in the morning, I just wish there were snacks!
Key Takeaways:
- Balloon launch may begin later than the posted time (but it is worth it)
- For best pictures, park on Crescent Rim Dr
- If you get hangry easily (me), eat beforehand or bring snacks
- Ideal locations for Spirit of Boise Balloon Festival Viewing
- Take note of the winds direction!
Over 25 Balloons took flight on the morning of the 31st as it was an optional flight day for the Spirit of Boise annual balloon festival. The first being an Utah Balloon with an eagle and the final balloon being a cow! The weather conditions. We were located on Crescent Rim at the below location, though we found two other ideal locations:
If you're headed to the Spirit of Boise Nite Glow Spectacular, check out our blog post on Spirit of Boise Nite Glow Spectacular!
Also, if you have favorite viewing locations for the Balloon festival, send them on over and I would love to add them to the map!
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